Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Final Solution

Hearing the reports from the southern border about the conditions surrounding the captivity of innocent children being kept in squalid conditions, I am reminded of another time--I wasn’t alive during that time, but the reality of it was fresh and raw when I was a child.  Many people who read this only remember the efforts of those diabolical people of the Third Reich from history books and rare recollections from survivors.  My parents and grandparents, while not in Europe during those times, had relatives who lost their lives during the Holocaust.  But the echoes of those times are all too real today.

The way our government, and particularly the cruel way the Edna Administration is allowing and encouraging the mistreatment of children and migrants coming to America is horrifying in its similarity to the mindset of the Nazis.  Edna perceives migrants (brown people) the same way the Nazis perceived the Jews—sub humans who must be dealt with in whatever way is expedient.  There is no empathy, there is no compassion, there is only disgust and hatefulness.

Edna, like his German antecedents only wants to rid our country of them; get them out of here.  And the methods used to engineer their expulsion would be considered cruel and unusual punishment, even for criminals.  When confronted with the reports of conditions in the places where people are being held, Edna blames the Democrats for not passing financing legislation to mitigate the problem.  Meanwhile he thinks nothing of unilaterally bypassing Congress when he needs funds for his border wall or other illegal actions he wants to finance from our tax dollars.  Edna’s mission is to obfuscate and blame others for a policy that he alone is promoting.  The horrific part of this ploy is that the Republicans in Congress are defending his policy and finding ways to blame the Democrats.  And the Democrats seem powerless to counter the evil nefariousness of what is transpiring in Texas.  All they seem able to do is witness it and raise the alarm.

Is this America?  Is this the land of the free and home of the brave?  Is it???  Is our country a place where children are kept in cages in filth, suffering from disease and pestilence in their captivity?  Is this the Final Solution, “American Style”?  And what comes next?  How long can we allow this to go on?

The tragedy of this situation is that solutions are at hand.  Most of the children coming across the border have phone numbers of relatives already here.  Is anyone in our failing bureaucracy making the phone calls for these unfortunate souls?  How difficult is it to provide showers; how expensive to provide decent food and a blanket to sleep on instead of concrete floors?  This is unconscionable!

History will condemn all these people to hell and the rest of us all to the endless shame of allowing this to unfold without screaming “STOP” in the name of decency and all the ideals our country was founded on.

I ask again, “What comes next…….”

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