Sunday, May 21, 2023


People are getting angry.
  For many Americans the level of frustration and anger is increasing at a faster rate than I can ever remember in my 75 years on this planet.  

Since 2000 when the Supreme Court handed the election to George Bush, even though he did not win the popular vote, we Americans have suffered through insult after insult to our way of life at the hands of a minority of our countrymen called Republicans.


These Republicans have destroyed our sense of safety by stonewalling any effort to promote gun safety regulation, they have steadfastly opposed any effort to improve the lives of working people by rejecting efforts to improve health care, child care support, by lowering taxes on the least deserving rich people in this country, obstructing efforts to extend voting rights, disenfranchising citizens who want to vote, obstructing efforts to lower greenhouse gasses and a whole host of other efforts to make life better for the average American.


Most recently they have attacked our freedoms by banning books, gerrymandering their way to power so they can pass legislation that targets minorities for restriction of rights, for restriction of medical care, for the right to privacy and choice with regard to our own bodies.


And as a final coup-de-gras, these traitorous Republicans attempted to overthrow a national election, supported an insurrection led by a liar and disgraced President.  They have supported the twisting of truth and the promotion of misinformation and lies in an effort to subvert and destroy our democracy.  They are dragging us into the abyss of default and will ultimately destroy our economy and bring chaos to all of us as we descend into depression and the unraveling of the American republic.


If we can last until November of 2024 we will have one last chance to rescue our way of life in what could be the last honest election we will ever have in the United States of America. 


I think people who are the real patriots, and believe in the fundamentals of American Democracy are just angry enough now to throw all these people out of office so we can get our country back.  I choose to believe that there is a wellspring of true patriotism that is being born in the ranks of our youth and those in our silent majority who believe in the integrity of the rule of law and the fundamentals of our Constitution.  I choose to believe that because of the innate stupidity and selfishness of these people called Republicans, they cannot see that they are completely out of step with the majority of Americans.  I believe that will be their undoing.


I believe that the rest of us are gaining clarity of purpose.  I believe that those of us who are angry will express that anger in November of 2024 and remove this sickness that is called the Republican Party from our body politic and recapture the essence of the American ideal: that all men are created equal and have a right to pursue happiness in the way that they individually choose.


I believe that unless we rid ourselves of this scourge called the Republican party, we will be living in a new, dystopian and disappointing version of what we once called "The American Dream".

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