Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Coming Storm....

Finally!  Joe Biden issued a missive two days ago that draws lines in the sand against abuse of our elections by both foreign and domestic sources.  His articulate and forceful warning of how he will treat offenders, both foreign and domestic, who try to foul our electoral process by a variety of means was like a bracingly cool breeze blowing over a parched landscape of suffering humans.  We glimpsed what a real president would be like and we liked it!  We can finally see escape from the fetid Trump-swamp we have been forced to trudge through for the last four years.  The relief I feel is palpable.

In one short declaration of policy and intent, Biden demonstrated leadership and commitment to ideals that all of us, both Democrat and Republican share.  It remains to be seen what the Republicans who have thus far been complicitely sleepwalking through Trump’s presidency will do now .  Hopefully Joe will not stop here.  He should continue laying out his plan for our recovery from the foul path we have been led through by the current resident in the White House.  He should simply project the image of his ascendance without remorse or hesitation.  It will be good for all to see resolve and intelligence from the future President.  There is nothing standing in the way of Joe Biden describing in detail between now and election day in no uncertain terms how he will deconstruct the web of lies and impediments to the free flowing of democracy that is the ideal and purpose of the American experiment. The more he describes his plans in detail, the easier it will be for all of us to see the contours of our return to normalcy and the rule of law.  It doesn’t matter what his base thinks.  His efforts will be to create an image in the minds of those who long for change and relief from our current nightmare.  It will motivate all of us to rise up from our angst and vote!

And as far as Trump’s threatening to invalidate the electorate’s rejection of him by declaring the election rigged?.....Be assured Mr. Trump, you WILL surrender the office once you are defeated.  We will all make sure of it!  And we will also insure that all your toadies will disappear after you.  Make no mistake, we will physically throw you out if we have to.

Our biggest challenge from now until inauguration day will be to oppose the increasing danger of Trump putting his own federal, illegal police force in the streets of major US cities to ‘protect’ federal buildings.  What a crock!  It is easy to envision his plan to intimidate voters by ‘patrolling the polls during election day’.  We can expect increasing railing and fear mongering about fraud at the polls and a rigged election.   Expect increasing pressure to purge voting rolls and suppress voting by Republican crony Secretaries of State in individual states with Republican sycophantic governors like Kemp in Georgia (remember his actions in 2018?).

No matter how Trump will try to mitigate or distract from his failure to plan for the raging Covid-19 pandemic, we will all remember how much we have suffered, how many we have lost, when we pull the lever or mail the ballot in November.  We will think of the projected 175,000 dead Americans by that time that might have been saved by someone who had a shred of empathy.  We will look out over the horizon at a future with Donald Trump’s heavy authoritarian hand on the wheel of the ship of state, and vote with such force that the quake of our action alone will eject him from the White House.

You think Gore v. Bush was difficult in 2000?---It was a walk in the park compared to what we will see after the November 3rd election.  We are about to experience perhaps the most intense and dark national tribulation we have ever seen.  Americans must be resolute.  No less than the future of our country and our lives depends on it.

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