Thursday, March 5, 2020

A Good Man

Decency prevails.  The message from Tuesday’s vote across this nation is that hiding in the shadows has been a yearning for decency that was looking for a standard bearer.  Joe Biden is not the perfect candidate by any means, but there is no doubt that he is a decent man with integrity.  Despite how Ron Johnson, Devin Nunes and other Republicans will try to paint this man with rumor and innuendo, the majority of American people have a longer memory and a true compass heading when it comes to decency, honor and integrity—much to the chagrin of all the craven Republicans in Congress and the ignorant Trumpists who apparently have no moral compass.

What you witnessed on Tuesday was the majority of Americans standing in line for hours and hours to rebuke the disgusting path that Trump has led us all down for the past 4 years.   What their patience shouts louder than words is their determination to rid themselves of the malignant administration of Donald J. Trump.  They are exhausted and prepared to coalesce around a man who exemplifies what it means to be a compassionate, empathetic human being.

The silent wave of revulsion at what has taken root in America over the past 4 years is now revealing itself in a most unexpected manner, but of course the only way it really can—by the vox populi, the voice of the people.  My hope and expectation is that this foundational wave of the voice of our people will make its presence known at all levels of political awareness as we approach our election.

The vanguard for this movement has come from the progressive wing of the Democratic party, but the reality is that the majority of the party wants a return to normalcy, not a revolution that completely creates a government that is fraught with possible potholes and the impossible task of creating a model that would never get approval from Congress.  My hope is that Bernie and his minions will come to realize that they must address the most important issue first:  the rejection and ejection of Trump and his sycophants.  We must, as a unified force, bring rational and honest people into the government.  Then as we always have, negotiate and compromise to bring the best and most sensible reform to our biggest challenges as a nation.

But all of that starts with a leader who exemplifies the best in all of us.  At the most fundamental level, that is a person who is the best example of humanity—someone who has empathy, intelligence, a track record of doing good works, honesty, an embodiment of all that makes America what it is and has been since the beginning.  Joe Biden is old; he might occasionally lose his train of thought; he might confuse his wife and his sister; but he is at his essence a good man.  And that is what America needs right now—a good man.

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