Thursday, October 10, 2019

Can There Be Any Doubt?

If there was any doubt or fear that eventually Trump’s presidency would lead to loss of life, there is no remaining doubt at all.  As many as 15,000 Kurds are at risk of being victims of genocide as a direct result of Trump’s decision to pull American troops out of Syria with absolutely no consultation, inter-agency discussion or policy analysis ramifications.  He decided after a phone call with his admired autocrat Erdogan of Turkey, that he would simply acceded to Erdogan’s demand.  (new research and reporting is revealing long term associations dating back to Michael Flynn’s secretive payments from Turkey; and Trump’s financial interests in Istanbul, as well as his constant effort to support the aims of Putin in Russia, that perhaps influenced Trump’s decision).  

The only winners here are Turkey and Russia, and the consummate losers are the Kurds who are already being attacked and killed and the US,  because now the ISIS fanatics who were being incarcerated by the Kurds will now find freedom to pursue their terroristic aims.  Trump is not acting in the security interests of the United States of America.  In fact he is destroying our ability to make new alliances and ruining our reputation as a steadfast partner.

And the righteous indignation and criticism by Trump’s fellow Republicans about this decision is so hypocritical.  How can they be so enraged about this and at the same time stand idly by while Trump makes Swiss cheese out of the Constitution?  Amazing.

Trump is just doing all he possibly can to indict himself and show his incapacity to understand his responsibility as President.  His every action seems to betray an ally and elevate an adversary.  There can be no doubt that this man is acting in a traitorous manner.

Then there is Trump’s clear effort to obstruct and stonewall the Constitutional obligation of the co-equal branch of government to exercise their oversight obligations as well as their sole responsibility to manage an inquiry to impeach him.

Fellow Americans, we are in grave danger.  This man currently has over 15 months left in office during which time his accelerating unhinged decision-making can continue.   By the time he is defeated in the election of 2020, he will have created more damage with our standing with other countries, done additional damage to the rule of law, made other new and ill-conceived decisions that will possibly cause additional death and destruction around the world.

He clearly believes he is above any law according to our Constitutional form of government.  And most horribly, he has a Greek chorus of Republicans infected by some unknown alchemy supporting this man’s twisted view of truth, honesty and integrity.  History will record their perfidy and sycophancy for all time.  All the more reason for a clean sweep in Congress as well as from the Presidency.

As each day unfolds, more and more Americans see the necessity of removing this man from office.  The latest Fox News poll says it all, doesn’t it?  More than 50% of those polled support the impeachment inquiry and removal from office.  That has to upset Trump.  The Democratic House needs to keep on assembling the evidence, which he seems to provide on a daily basis, and submit articles of impeachment for a vote in the House.  Then we will let the Republican Senate record their support for a clearly unhinged and dangerous President.  The true disaster is when he is acquitted in the Senate and then somehow wins re-election.  In that scenario, our country is lost.

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