Friday, May 10, 2019

What Happened to My America?

The members of the Republican Party in America are not true Americans.  True Americans believe in The Rule of Law, and the Rule of Law has somehow slipped from Republican's consciousness.  In lockstep they vote along party lines to blindly support a President who, according to the Attorney General of the United States, can end an investigation into himself if, in his own opinion, he is being implicated in a crime.  In other words, they all support a man who believes he is above the law.

Not one Republican in either the House or the Senate objected to that statement made by the Attorney General when he testified, under oath, in the Senate.  All of them never objected when the Attorney General lied to the Senate about the letter he received from Special Counsel Mueller regarding his concerns about misleading the American people about the report he submitted..  All of them support the President’s blanket denial to provide ALL documents and testifying personnel to the constitutionally mandated Legislative branch that is charged with oversight of the Executive branch. 

Who are these people who have control of the Senate, led by the most corrupt and anti-American of them all, Mitch McConnell?

Republicans have sold their souls to Donald Trump.  Why?  Well, mainly, I think they just want to hold onto their jobs and are willing to suck up to the guy who threatens to oppose them if they try in any way to oppose him.  My fear is that they have lost their way with regard to the oaths of office they took when they assumed their positions.  If you look at the morally corrupt policy positions they support because of Trump, it is hard to believe that any human being, much less an elected official who supposedly represents citizens, can be on board with the following: 

a) separating children and parents at the border and not caring about their reunification;

b) claiming that women and their doctors plan ‘execution of babies’ after they are born;

c) removing all regulations concerning pollution and environmental controls;

d) supporting a call by Mitch McConnell to ‘close the case and move on’ from the investigation into the Russians attacking our democracy and apparently being unconcerned that there is no real resolution or plan to stop a renewed attack in 2020;

e) being silent while the President repeatedly fosters hate and racism against minorities and especially asylum seekers—even to the point while speaking in Florida two nights ago where he implied that the only way to stop the ‘invasion’ of immigrants might be to shoot them;

f) coddling and praising criminal dictators who repress and kill their own people;

g) repressing our own citizens who are trying to exercise their right to vote using voter suppression techniques and gerrymandering;

h) completely rejecting climate change as the extinction level event that it is;

i) relentlessly attempting to take away health care coverage currently covering over 20 million people without a clear substitute;

j) rejecting all attempts to impose even the most simple gun control actions, as event after event unfolds where innocent children in schools are dying.

Separate from all the above, they apparently all believe that Trump is completely exonerated from accusations of obstruction of justice, even though over 700 bipartisan prosecutors agree on the record that they could instantly indict any other person accused of the same crimes…..and win the cases with ease.  And all the while the obstruction continues unabated where legitimate subpoenas are ignored, legal document requests are ignored, where the Secretary of the Treasury flagrantly violates the law by not providing the Ways and Means Committee of the House its requested tax documents for Trump which it is entitled to by law.

The reason all this is so disturbing is that our country is in the hands of these despotic people.  Our republic is being changed and corrupted by these people who don't care about precedent set by our founders, who most certainly are turning in their graves.  There is no rational reason for their blindness to humanistic values.  It can’t be simple political sycophancy.  Why would so many people abandon the rule of law in favor of a man like Donald Trump?

I guess only history will offer the answer after perhaps 20 or 30 years pass….that is if there is to be any history of the United States of America as we remember it.

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