Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Why Can't We See It?

It’s amazing that after 11 days since the Mueller Report was issued, the only thing we have to look at is a summary letter from Trump’s appointee for Attorney General.  That letter is supposed to be the final verdict on a two-year investigation?  Puh-leeze!

There is so much that is wrong about all this that I really can’t catch my breath when I think what this means for our democracy.  Trump is on a whirlwind tear screaming ‘total exoneration’ based on a letter about a report that we cannot even see, written by a man who he appointed three weeks ago to be his Attorney General!  All his minions parrot his claim.  Why is Bill Barr is deciding for all of us what the report says, as if we cannot read for ourselves and have no power of analysis for ourselves?  C’mon!!

Barr has decided that he will tell us what will be redacted and omitted from the report, and then he’ll let Congress see it.  Who is this guy?  Why is he suddenly the only arbiter of the truth?

I’ll tell you what I see….I see a clear autocratic effort to hide facts and evidence from the body politic by an overt power play.  We are witnessing a slow motion coup by a man who lies to all of us on a regular basis, who has assembled around him a coterie of people who are more interested in their own self-interest and greed.  They are willing to lie for Trump, and more importantly, lie to themselves about what he and they are doing to our nation!  

Our President, regularly attacks the press and our 1st amendment rights, attempts to circumvent the Constitutional responsibilities of the Congress’ to control the ‘purse’, creates policies that are the antithesis of American values regarding immigration, supports and admires strongmen and dictators, and has waged a two year campaign to undermine our justice department and the rule of law.

The sad truth about all this is that fully as much as 45% of the country doesn’t care!

Adam Schiff articulated the dismay we all feel when he tried to call out the Republicans for what “They may think is okay” with regard to the President’s and his campaign’s activities and practices during the 2016 election.  Instead, the Republicans are condemning Schiff for equating something the President does almost every day (character assassination and distortion) with Schiff’s erudite elocution of our dismay at the overt corruption of moral values we have witnessed at the hands of this President and his lackeys.

Folks, the controlling elements of our government are lying to us and attempting to hide things from us.  Without an informed populace, without an adherence to the rule of law, it is possible for nefarious actors to consolidate control and power in their own best interests and convert all of us to ‘subjects’ to be controlled and managed.  Look around the globe and see the examples of that kind of system in practice in Russia, Turkey, the Philippines, Venezuela, China, Hungary, Thailand, Egypt, Cuba, etc.  Is that what we want for our children’s future? That will be the end of our democracy as perceived by our founders.

My vote is for the mass delivery of subpoenas from the newly empowered oversight committees in Congress!  I hope the Democrats in the House fight like maniacs to retard and/or stop this madness at every turn.  I want my country back!  My children deserve more!

And you, citizen, what are you going to do?  Is this the America you grew up with?  Is this the country that you remember gave you a thrill when you heard the Star Spangled Banner, or came back into the country from abroad?  Is this the Senate portrayed in Mr. Smith goes to Washington?  What we see today is pale disappearing echo.  What we see today is a dirty, slime covered mean-spirited future controlled by a bunch of greedy trolls unless we wake up and bring integrity back into our government.

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