Saturday, March 23, 2019

My Right to Know....

I am a citizen of this country.  As a citizen, I have the same rights as every other citizen of the USA.

Please explain to me why another citizen who might have important information about how my country was manipulated by a foreign power has the right to withhold that information from me.  I have paid my taxes just like any other citizen; I follow the rules and laws of my nation; and am just as vulnerable as any other citizen to the dangers posed by foreign agents and governments that hope to do me harm.

If we are to believe that no one person in this country is above the law, and all of us are created equal, then why should I tolerate one person screening the findings of an investigation that I paid for, and telling me what information and findings I can and cannot have access to.  If my security as a citizen has been threatened, undermined, damaged or sabotaged, why am I not able to fully understand the threat?  Who says that after taking care to protect top secret information and other security interests for the protection of our nation, I am not eligible to see the findings of a report that will inform me of what happened in the most sacred of all processes that an individual can have in our democracy—the right to vote and choose our leaders.

Our representatives in Congress, a co-equal branch of our government, believe that all citizens should have the right to understand fully what happened in the election of 2016, and voted 410 to 0 to release the report. 
Why should one man in the Executive Branch, (an appointee of the man who may or may not be at the fulcrum of damage done to our nation) be allowed to withhold information from all the rest of the citizens of this country.

He should not!

The Mueller investigation is something that we have patiently and intently waited for over the past two years.  In spite of the constant subversion by the President and his lackeys, Bob Mueller’s work has retained an integrity and silent security that is an emblem of the honor and integrity of the man leading it.  We have seen the indictment of over 30 individuals and the conviction of 7 of the Presidents closest associates as a result of his work.  This is no ‘witch hunt’, unless all the indicted people fly on brooms!

Something did happen between the Russians and a whole cadre of people who are American citizens, and much of it rises to the level of treason, even though no one wants to say the word.  We are not stupid.  We can all see the deception and the criminal intent.  A foreign government wanted to influence the outcome of our national election and there were fellow citizens of our country that helped them—wittingly or unwittingly—to succeed in that effort.

I want to know who they were and what they did, and what I need to do to rid myself of them.  It is imperative that all of us insist on knowing. 

If we do not get to see the results of this report, we will have lost our democracy.  And with the noises that are emanating from the White House from our “Dear Leader” about how he has the backing of the tough guys, police, army and bikers, what is he actually saying?  Will he and his minions try to take control of our government and do away with elections or make them null and void if they don’t turn out the way he wants them to?

Sounds a lot like the government of his best friends Vlad and Kim, doesn’t it?

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