Thursday, October 11, 2018

Have You Had Enough??

Have you had enough of an administration that is inept and is in the process of purposefully disassembling governmental protections, and discarding any concern for our national debt?

Have you had enough of a President who never reads?  Who doesn’t care about whether our children inherit a world fit to live in….or breathe in?

Have you had enough of a President who blatantly lies about mostly everything?

Have you had enough of ignorant crowds that are lemmings soaking up Trump’s lies and bleating mocking cries to  ‘Lock Her Up’?

Have you had enough of legislatures that gerrymand districts to insure that only Republicans can win elections.

Have you had enough of Republican legislatures that suppress voter registration and pass laws that restrict abortion?

Have you had enough of the Trump administration’s actions on immigration, denying refugees looking for asylum, incarcerating illegal immigrants, separating them from their children and throwing away the keys?

Have you had enough of misogynistic Republicans in Congress who pay lip-service to brave women who come forward to report sexual abuse and predation, and then who turn around and mock them in a public effort to rev up their ‘base’, promoting the myth that the men who commit these acts are the victims?

Have you had enough of the leader of the free world, our President, singing the praises of dictators around the world?  Think Kim Jung Un, Duterte of the Phillipines, Putin, Erdogan of Turkey, Viktor Orban of Hungary, and most recently Mohammad bin Salma of Saudi Arabia, (the apparent murderer/kidnapper of Jamal Khashoggi, Washington Post journalist).

Have you had enough of the President repeatedly portraying the free press in America as scum, dishonest, and the ‘enemy of the people’?

Have you had enough of the ‘best people’ running our government agencies----into the ground!  Firing lifetime committed employees and replacing them with lackeys bent on reversing regulations made to protect the citizenry?

Have you had enough of sycophantic Republican Congressman who lie down like obedient puppies, to do the bidding of a man with no empathy, no compassion, no real PLAN for how to govern?

Have you had enough of Mitch McConnell??

Have you had enough?


Get out there in the next four weeks and make sure every millenial you know registers to vote, and then make sure they go to the polls.  This may be the only chance left to re-instate some form of oversight and checks and balances.  We have the power to bring people into government that believe in fairness, integrity and honesty.  We have the power to change.   If we do not effect change in this election, you can be sure the next two years will be much worse than the last two.  You may not want to live here after that…..


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