I am watching TV this morning after the latest round of
primaries, trying to intuit what will happen in November. I know I am not alone.
The news item that catches my eye is the report of President
Trump’s meeting with Evangelists behind closed doors. It reports that the President told the
evangelical group that if the Republicans lose the House to the Democrats,
“they” (I assume he means the Democrats) will change all that Trump has done
immediately and violently. Violently??
Here we go!
Remember how the election in 2016 was ‘rigged’, and Trump
wasn’t sure he would accept the outcome----unless he won? Now he is baiting his evangelical toadies
with threats of violence. His message
for the midterms is if Republicans don’t win there will be violence. What a despicable tactic.
Have we not had enough of this kind of divisive kind of
language? When I think of how far our
politics has descended to the level of what passes for normal in banana
republics around the world, it doesn’t seem far fetched to expect this kind of
fetid threat from Trump.
Tom Friedman writes today in the New York Times of how our
politics has become ‘Russified’ after 2 years of Trumpian rule; how our
Congress in the hands of the Republicans has evolved to a similar state like
that of the Duma in Russia—a rubber stamp body that has abdicated it’s power
for oversight and separation of powers that was created by the Founders. It is
clear that Trump’s campaign rhetoric will be racially divisive, threaten
violence, and play to his trope of ‘truth is not the truth’.
There was a comment written about Friedman’s opinion piece
that rang true for me:
it seem odd that a ‘Russified’ country apparently can be redeemed through the
magical powers of democratic voting? As though the most corrupt American
government in living memory is going to allow itself to lose in a fair
At the end of 2018 when our election results are 'highly irregular,' all this effort put into winning a democratic election that we were never going to be given is going to look like the most pointless resistance one could imagine.”
At the end of 2018 when our election results are 'highly irregular,' all this effort put into winning a democratic election that we were never going to be given is going to look like the most pointless resistance one could imagine.”
If the House does not wind up in the hands of the Democrats
in November, there may be no hope for the preservation of our current form of
government. If Republicans remain in
control, we will never find out if the Trump Campaign was complicit in the Russian attack on
our democracy since it is the Republican’s mission to corrupt the Russian probe
and not let the American people know what really happened in 2016. Treason and criminal action will have won the
Frankly, I am more hopeful that truth and decency will
ultimately win out. It is what our
American experiment was all about.
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