Sunday, July 1, 2018

Where's Barry?

Barry, Bill, George, George W., Jimmy!!  Where are you guys?? 

All you living Presidents are uncharacteristically mute!  At a time when there is so much despair amongst the believers; at a time when your encouragement is needed; at a time when the country needs to hear your ‘call-outs’ of the bad actors and the megalomaniac in the White House, you are all mute!  Why?

I know there is an unwritten maxim that ex-Presidents don’t talk about the current office holder or offer any criticism, but really guys……..We are all watching the very foundations of our institutions wither away, enduring unrelenting attacks on the rule of law.  Surely you can peek out from under the covers and call a spade a spade!  Go on TV and let the assholes have it!  What have we or you got to lose, right?…..only our country!  Good Lord there are so many targets you could aim at:

--Mitch McConnell, perhaps the most sinister force to ever be a majority leader who has single handedly corrupted ‘regular order’ in the Senate; who defied the Constitution by corrupting the mechanism for a President to choose an appointee to the Supreme Court.

--House Republicans, colluders with the Executive in attacking the rule of law; willfully undermining a proper investigation into the subversion of our democracy by a foreign power; abdicating their responsibility to be a
balance against abuse of power by the President; debasing and changing the concept of ‘oversight’ into a force for intrusion and interference and conspiracy on behalf of the President.

--The process of undoing all kinds of regulations put in place to protect the people of the country for the benefit of big business and corporate America.

--Donald J. Trump, for being a loudmouthed, crude, cruel, narcissistic, sociopathic whiney little bitch encouraging corruption in his appointees and his actions to withdraw us from every meaningful international relationship instituted over the last 70 years; for lauding dictators and strongmen while insulting and demeaning our allies all over the world.

--And finally the Democratic party for being such wimps; for not being able to conjure up the balls to shout loudly and clearly that on most critical issues more than 2/3 of the citizens of this land have consensus-- on gun violence, abortion, gay marriage, health care, immigration, etc.

Your country needs to hear your voices!  As examples of intelligent humanistic leadership you must be an example that our children can readily see every day in some way to reassure them, and all of us, that there will be a better day in America.

There is no excuse for remaining silent.  Silence on your part suggests fear, or at the worst collusion!  Be brave, Mr. Presidents!  Speak out!  Encourage all of us every day to not falter, to VOTE in November.  Our very existence as a democratic nation depends on it!

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