Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sartre is Chuckling!

I am so sick of listening to all these politicians flap their lips and be without conscience when it comes to telling the truth.  It is so nakedly obvious that all of these people are pandering to whatever audience they speak to. 

What is missing from all the political debate is someone who actually can articulate what is wrong with our system and present concrete steps to fix things that are egregiously wrong.

What is also missing is that we as citizens have to admit to some of the things that are egregiously wrong and submit to solutions that are presented.

That takes a leader who can be compelling in his or her arguments, and persuasive to the American people.  They must have the personality to rally all of us to sacrifice and accept the reality of the things, that in our heart of hearts, we know are wrong with our system and our society.

In the entire of field of Republicans, there isn’t anyone like that.  The only two candidates who were even close were John Huntsman and Ron Paul.  Paul actually has a grip on what is wrong, but his solutions are too extreme.  Huntsman never displayed the charisma to lead.

So what we are left with are the people I referred to in the first paragraph of this essay.

Then there is Barak Obama.  Obama is the closest to my political orientation, but unfortunately he has been ineffective as a leader.  The simple fact is that he has been stymied at every turn by the minions of those whose mantra is ‘anything that Obama proposes needs to be crushed because it is Obama proposing it’.  Oh yeah, they also don’t like him because he is black.

There is no question that the man is an intelligent, capable potential President, but he is not the leader that is able to make all of us come together to accomplish what needs to be done to fix some of our worst problems.  He is ineffective.

The unfortunate truth is that if we elect him to a second term, he won’t be any more effective, because he just doesn’t know how to be.

So where does that leave us?

It means that on election day of this year, we have a Hobson’s Choice, instead of a path to solutions.  Unless……

Unless we all wake up and realize that we are the ones who elect our senators and representatives.  We must act to clean out the sludge that is gumming up all the works of our Congress.  Without real people who will grapple with the problems, in the spirit of compromise and rational actions, we are doomed.  We will forever be at the mercy of special interests and the legislators we elect who hold out their hands for the spoils of these interests in violation of the sacred trust we put in them to represent us.

And, we must look for a third party individual who can lead….someone who can make us understand that we must take action in all our best interests.  That person must speak in a way that inspires and persuades.  So far, I don’t see that person on the scene, but we can hope….

In the meantime, at least in Obama we have a humanist and not a Republican.  Now if only he could lead……

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