Saturday, January 16, 2010

The NEW America!

There is a well worn saying that goes, “The more things change, the more they stay the same”.  Does that really mean anything at all?  Basically it seems to promote the idea that all things are the same and nothing ever changes even though we think it does…..which implies we are all living in a fantasy world where we think things are changing and that makes us hopeful; or we are doomed to despair because nothing ever gets any better.  I digress…….

You may ask from what, and since I have not yet hinted what I am writing about, digression is simply a left turn to nowhere.  But I digress…..

Sarah Palin has joined Fox TV.  Are we surprised? (The more things change, the more they stay the same).  A match made in heaven, or wherever.  The vacuous brain comes to rest at the vacuous network where it can vomit forth its vacuous nonsense to be absorbed by its vacuous audience.  How perfect.  What is terrifying is that the vacuous audience is so large.  I grew up thinking that the nation of America was filled with intelligent, literate thinking individuals.  What I have discovered during the past several decades is that I was horribly misinformed.  America is filled with humans with sawdust for brains who only are concerned about things that have no relevance to anything.  Just think about this:

The media and the public has been riveted by comments made by Harry Reid that Obama would succeed because he was light skinned and could turn on his ‘Negro’ dialect when he needed it.  Now there is an important issue to focus on!---Just ask the Fox TV-ites!  Fortunately for all of us, Haiti has turned our attention to more pressing matters, however unfortunate for the Haitians.

Or how about some more ‘sturm and drang’ about how our privacy is being invaded by machines that check for bombs in our underwear!  Now there is an issue that bears some long-winded debate!  I wonder what Sarah Palin thinks about that!  Maybe her Presidential platform will include a plank to ban lead lined jockey shorts and aluminum thongs!

Oh, and let’s not miss the opportunity to dwell on whether Martha Coakley’s victory or defeat in Massachusetts portends whether all of our brilliant insightful citizens will turn the country over to the Republicans again in 2010.  I am sure Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck will spend countless hours analyzing that momentous possibility and characterizing the results of the special election as the ‘Hand of God Almighty spurning the Communist, Marxist, liberal progressives attempt to shackle the poor dumb citizenry with the chains of universal health care reform’!  (What?-- You didn’t realize that Pat Robertson is actually the closet spiritual advisor to the Fox Network….but I digress!)

Ah yes, and they say we are in decline!  How could that possibly be with gurus like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh to guide our misguided thinking.  We must all practice the politics of ‘NO’.  That is the true path to enlightenment and progress.  Our new national motto should be “Two steps backward, one step forward!”

It is time to throw out the old/new corruption in government and return a new/older corrupt government to power!  Now there is change we can believe in!  But I digress……

Sarah Palin for President!!…..or Pope…..or Community Organizer!

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