So I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow at 9:30 am, and I am sure when he walks through the door into the examining room he will hold out his hand and ask me how I am? Isn't that what they all do? So while I was doing my 2 1/2 mile walk this morning I tried to think about how I really am so when I get a chance to answer the question for real I will have something intelligent to say.
Well, I'll be 62 in a few weeks and I can eat anything without feeling bad. I get up to pee a couple of times a night, but who doesn't at my age? Neither my wife or kids has any serious diseases. I don't have any chest pains, abdominal pains or anything else that could be serious. I take 20mg of prozac a day so I am pretty much anxiety free, and I have been taking blood pressure meds since I was 26, so I am doing all I can to preserve my plumbing and vital organs.
I have two businesses that are really a challenge right now in this horrible economy, my health care premiums just went up because I am getting older, I live in a nice house in Naples, Fla. and I can buy pretty much whatever I want at the grocery, although we have stopped eating out because of the cost. My kids are out of the house so I have more time with my wife than I have had in 25 years, and that is a real wonderful novelty!
So I guess I am doing pretty well, all things considered, especially when I compare my life with what I see all around me--bad marriages, kids who are threatening their parents with suicide, families where both parents have been laid off and they don't have any savings, friends who have lost everything to Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme, blah, blah, blah.
I watched a documentary yesterday on Bill Moyers Journal called 'Critical Care' that portrayed the horrors of three people who don't have health coverage and are having a desperate time. The three people are all younger than me. Two of them died from horrible diseases, cancer and liver disease, both of which could have been prevented if they had not been afraid to go to the doctor because of the cost. The third was a 45 year old man with three kids and a fourth on the way. He had degenerative spinal disease that required an operation that cost $150,000 and he had no insurance. He was so stooped over he could not work, and simply because he was the subject of the documentary, he was given the necessary surgery as a gift. But what about the thousands of people who are not subjects of documentaries?
My health insurance premiums just went up, but at least I have insurance, but how good is it really? Not is what I call catastrophic coverage. If God forbid I need something really big, it will be there, but for the run of the mill wellness coverage, I am forced into a high deductible policy that means I have to pay premiums and deductibles of over $20,000 before I get covered for anything big. What if I didn't have that money to pay??
And so I listen to all these assholes Republicans and conservatives who oppose anything that means real reform of health care because they are all in the pockets of the insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies. I read the editorials and wonder if this country really has the balls to do anything for the average person anymore. It makes me fearful. I fear the civil unrest when all of this boils over and the gun nuts decide to kill all the liberals. I listen to the vitriol from the right wing conservative talk mouths and wonder what ever happened to 'benefit of the doubt' and truth.
As for me, I guess I am ok......for now.
ReplyDeleteFirst, as always, it's great to hear from you!
Second, I share all of your feelings and medications!
Keep writing. I enjoyed reading what you had to say. It's nice to be reminded that we are all in the same boat; alternately bailing and paddling to keep afloat and get somewhere.
It reads very well and you are more than candid and very appreciative of what you do have vs. what you don't. Cannot say that about everyone. We are as Hank says, all in the same boat. When Debora and I married almost 15 years ago we took no meds. Today - don't ask! Keep writing and we love being in your circle.
ReplyDeleteAs long as the Moody Blues keep touring I am OK, nothing better than RnR to keep you young, that is until after the concert I hold my back as I hobble to the car, hoping I haven't forgotten where I parked it
ReplyDeletePraying I make it to 65 & medicare in 4 1/2 more years before some catastrophic pre existing something or other catches up. And praying God don't let Obama cave in to things as usual in government
Seeing CNS in 2 weeks, now where did I put my tye dye dress
Very clever, Dad! I love you and miss you, and I'm grateful to have you in my life!! Keep writing. I think it's awesome that you've started a blog.
A wonderful look inside everyone can see what I have known for many years. You are a good soul, a smart guy, and have that "in your face" thing that I was lucky enough to inherit as well! You will find that people either like you or don't, and right now I"m figuring the "asshole Republicans and conservatives" to whom you so lovingly refer are liking you "not so much". Tell us what you REALLY think, big brother. I'm proud of you for letting it hang out. And I already love everything you think and say! :)
ReplyDeleteLove you so much!
Hey Larry,
ReplyDeleteNice job, from one of the other "L's". Glad to hear you're doing well. One question: I'm a year younger, and only get up once a night to pee, so that means in the next year, my nighttime excursions are going to double????? Yippee!!
L Squared:
I have always loved hearing whats on your mind and now is no different. In fact, perhaps more than ever. I look forward to reading your blog and seeing your eresatz ruminations. Cause, as everyone who has ever seen your magnum opus, "Milk Makers" knows, one can never have too much rumen! Query? What is the bovine antacid of choice these days?
Love ya guy!
Larry, You said eloquently and soulfully what I have been trying to write to President Obama on a weekly basis through his open e-mail policy at Send him a link to your blog! And in your next one, don't forget to vent about the Wall St. and the big banks greed and corruption that took down our economy, ruined the financial security of most average Americans and how shockingly, no one responsible has been indicted and punished! Something is way wrong, when a poor schmuck goes to jail for robbing food from a grocery store, but Wall St. theives who played dominos with the global economy don't skip a beat in their huge paychecks and bonuses and have not been held accountable for their crimes....and no regulation has yet to be put in place so these crimes cannot be perpetrated on we, the average American taxpayer. The deck is so stacked against us.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting me blog on your blog!
XO Kathy
Father, I am SO PROUD of your Blog! I just love our family so much and I too feel so grateful for the love and health that we all share. I can just picture the dialogue between you and mom regarding this blog and her quip that it is "hanging out your laundry". I wish I had been there to observe, those kinds of discussions between you two are always entertaining :).
ReplyDeleteI love your views, values and opinions and couldn't agree more with everything you said. I am so tired of these Gestapo Republican nazi's that are so fearful of change and incessant on keeping the status quo. God forbid we open our minds and hearts and sacrifice a little for our neighbor. Put a little love and consideration for others into the equation and "THE WORLD WILL END AS WE KNOW IT!!" they all say! We could use a little socialist flavor to offset the complete FACISM we'd been living under for the previous 8 years.
I am a huge fan of your blog dad, and a bigger fan of you and mom. I LOVE YOU!!
Keep at it Larry! Love to hear what you have to say! Lynne
ReplyDeleteTHE Lancit, baring all. Refreshing :)
ReplyDeleteI especially enjoyed the sudden profanity at the thought of republicans, hah