It is so discouraging to read the letters to the editor day after day in my local newspaper and see the divide between those who see Trump as divine and those who don't. The vitriol and inability to see the lies and incompetence that have brought this country to the point of armed violence between the two camps is a sad harbinger of the end of democracy in the USA.
There apparently are a huge number of people who believe the Republican's claim that all the violence is caused by Democratic governors and mayors, and that Trump's inciting and encouragement of violence and vigilantism are perfectly alright and of no consequence. There is no middle ground for these people. Then there are the Democrats who are fumbling the argument for peaceful protest by cornering the opposite side and screaming in their faces and provoking self-defense and violent reaction. This is so depressing.
I read a posted article on Facebook that tries to understand why we have reached this point and I think it bears consideration as one of the prime causes for where we find ourselves as a nation. The article posits that we have abandoned education as the primer for being a successful citizen. Without an education in civics and history, we have set the stage for ignorant citizens who do not understand the foundations for the rule of law and the definition of democracy.
Separate from that, here is passage that describes our American society and how we are blind to the state of our own acceptance of anti-democratic conditions.
Sort of makes you wonder, eh?
What Trump advocates or supporters do you know who would read the above and actually take a moment to consider its veracity? I would venture none would. The reality of the above view has yanked me back to reality. Our government is broken. How do you feel when 70+% of the population has a view or opinion about a significant issue like gun control, climate change, health care, etc. legislation never gets voted on or passed concerning those issues? How does that exhibit responsive government? It simply doesn't.
Unless we figure out a way to re-tool our representative government and reform our electoral process, the American Experiment will cease to exist---maybe even as soon as November 3, 2020.
It certainly starts with making sure everyone you know votes. And don't disregard your local and statewide elections. This is where real change originates. Be sure you are selecting people who will truly represent us.